Monday, July 13, 2009

The boys are back in town!

The boys went home with my parents from TX last Saturday. They stayed the entire week in Shreveport. My mom said she is exhausted. I don't think she tried to venture out too often. The boys did a lot of playing in the backyard in the mornings and evenings. She also bought them a wagon that she took them around the block in, looking for sticks and other fun things.

The best thing that occurred while they were in Shreveport is Eli is officially a walker. He has perfected his walking skills. (By perfected I mean - after falling repeatedly - he still gives it a go.) My mom has attributed Eli's new skills to his hatred of grass. Eli despises grass. Therefore, if you set him in it - he will do anything for it not to touch his legs - including, yep... walking.

I thought I would enjoy my week off from my mom duties. But what I realized is, I am absolutely miserable without my boys. Also, after you do something for 17 months straight - it is your life. I was bored, unmotivated, and I had the worst guilt-ridden feeling...ever.

I'm quite glad to have them back - and to be back in my normal routine again.

(for memory purposes: new words...)

Bubba - they call each other this (i'm assuming from the word brother)

Fish - learned in shreveport because mom has a big tank

Down - when they are ready to get out of their high chairs - or your lap

Biaper - dont quite have the "d" sound down yet - but this is a diaper

Outside - they are obsesses w/ going outside

"what's this" - they point at everything

Also, Nate will "try" to repeat anything you say...but I'm not quite sure he has an ear for's usually WAY off!

1 comment:

  1. "Bubba" is adorable! I can imagine you really missed them!


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