Sunday, June 21, 2009

We've finally been to Little Rock for Eli's Appt

It was actually pretty good news. We learned that the diagnosis was correct. Eli indeed has a classic case of Fourth Nerve Palsy. The doctors there also agreed with his original prognosis, "Wait and see". They said Eli's vision is actually fine. They said with the young ones, they actually do not have double vision because their brain is still developing and it is able to cope with the palsy better than an adult brain would.

The doctors agreed that surgery is not necessary at this time. We will go back for a check-up in 4-6 months. After that, we will probably just follow up with our local ophthalmologist.

They said if we were to make the decision to do surgery eventually, it would be strictly for cosmetic purposes. The doctor said we could even wait until Eli is old enough to make the decision for himself.

Until then, it appears as if Eli will have his quirky little head tilt - and the occasional "googly" eye moment.

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