I'm very disappointed in myself. I am the worst blogger ever. The worst part about it is, I used to keep a journal. I wrote in it at least once a week. I stopped when I started this blog because I decided to do it instead. Well, that totally hasn't worked. My boys are growing like weeds and I'm not documenting nearly as well as I'd like to be.
I think I'm just going to list random things the boys can do now so I can have it all listed somewhere. Where to start?
- Eat sandwiches, chicken fingers, apple slices...basically anything now
- Not walk, but RUN EVERYWHERE
- Open doors - we have lever door knobs - I can no longer contain them! yikes!
- Climb - my lord, can they climb! on the couch, recliner, ottaman, fireplace, toybox, crib..basically everything
- Chatter - they are complete chatterboxes. Nate has discovered the "hard G" sound...and uses it often
- Words: Cracker, bite, ball, down, hi, momma, dada, nana, bye bye, juice, bubbles, diaper, gus, bibby (libby), "what's that?", bubba (that's what they call each other - so cute!)
- They comprehend: "out", "no" or "unh unh" (but it's mostly ignored), "put it back", "go get a diaper", "where's bubba?", lots more - but not coming to me right now
- They love to play outside - they pick grass through the fence i have set up around the back porch - and bring each blade to me
- the fight! and I mean FIGHT! They get very aggravated w/ each other. Imagine if you had someone around that was ALWAYS there - must be so annoying. (If one wakes up w/out the other - I try to get them out of the room to have a moment to themselves before the other gets up)
- They give hi-fives!
- They fake arm wrestle w/ daddy - so adorable!
- Andy is the only one the get overtly excited to see ever!
- YELL! You have never heard 2 children as loud as these. Just ask my mom. We are rarely able to hold a conversation - unless they are asleep or I've already dropped them off for work
- They give Libby hell! Poor dog - they are constantly harassing her. She kinda deserves it because she can totally get places they cant - but nope, she sits right in the middle of all the chaos.
Well, that's enough random memory making for now! I feel a little less guilty now.