Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Muddy bottom boys!

Since we built our house in the middle of the woods, we had to clear everything. We've put out grass seed - but grass doesn't grow real well on red clay. Needless to say - we don't have anything that resembles a lawn. Last time we used the baby pool - we put in on the driveway - well, Nate wont stay in the pool - so we were constantly chasing him and worried he was going to fall on the concrete. This time, I said - forget it! The pool is going out in the yard - no matter what mess we create. The boys were due a bath anyways - so we just let them be boys. I have never seen the boys as happy. They played in the pool for a while - but then they discovered that if they leaned on the side of the pool - water will spill out onto the dirt - which would now be called mud. So they decided to get out of the pool and play in the mud for a while. Then, they discovered rocks and sticks. They would throw all the rocks and sticks in the pool. They were as happy as pigs in slop!

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