This year for Easter the boys were to participate in 3 Easter Egg Hunts each. The first was at their school, the 2nd at my mom's church (the church formerly known as mine), and finally at my Maw Maw's house.
Maundy Thursday:
The boys are in separate classes at one of their schools. (They go to 2 different schools for now because they only went 2 days a week at first, but our childcare situation changed and they needed to start going 5 days a week. We didn't want to be Pre-School drop-outs so they are going to complete their school year at the "old school" as they call it, then solely go to their "new school" post 5/19). Anywho, I went to their schools to watch their Egg Hunts.
Nate's class went first. The eggs were simply all just laid out in a huge sand box / volleyball court. The teacher said "one, two, three, go!" and they were off. Each kid brought 10 eggs each, and there are 10 kids in each class - so 100 eggs. Nate got 30! YES, 30! He wasn't rude or anything, but just very efficient. The other kids were concerned with getting sand in their shoes, or just lolly-gagging in general. Nate was an egg collecting machine! (The eggs were later divided equally between all of the kids).
Then it was time for Eli's class to go. Their's was in a different area. Not a very big area, but a playground. Same situation...100 eggs / 10 kids. The teacher opened the gate and unleashed the animals. Eli walked up to his first egg which was slightly opened. This could not be happening! An open egg! Eli had to get that egg closed before he could go on. I finally had to take the egg from him and make him go get other eggs. I look up and the eggs are looking scarce. I encourage Eli to get moving. He meanders over to another egg, comments on the color, shows it to me proudly before putting it in his basket. Luckily, there was another egg directly at his feet. He picked it up. Then we looked up - NO MORE EGGS. Evidently, there were some "Nate-like" egg picker uppers. So Eli had 3 eggs, yes 3! Saddest part was, on his way back in the door, some kid talked him out of 2 of them. So, he ultimately made it back to the classroom with one egg.
How can brothers who shared a womb be so different!?
Good Friday:
Andy and I had to work and the boys had to go to daycare. After we got out, we made the long drive to Shreveport. The length of the trip is made worse with the amount of words Nate is capable of saying in a minute - my guess, no less than 250 words per minute. Then further made more difficult because Eli evidently was beginning to get sick. He was sporting a fever and cried uncontrollably about every 15 minutes. It was AWESOME!
Holy Saturday:
The boys woke up. Eli VERY sick! Never took his temperature, but he was on fire. He complained that his cheek hurt - which could have been an ear or a tooth...not sure. He hardly moved and did not feel up to the Easter Egg Hunt at the church. Andy stayed home with him and me, mom, dad, Nate and Brady met Ashley, Rob, Ryan, Ty, Lisa and Noah there.
All of the boys had a great time! There were tons of eggs. High light for me is there were 8 "golden" prize eggs. 2 in each age group. And guess who found one - NATE! I'm telling you - this kid can find some Easter Eggs.
Due to the fact that all of the kids spanned every age group, it was hard to participate in all, so we just let Brady pick up some eggs in Ty's age group.
The remainder of the day was spent in my parent's back yard with a mean washer's tournament. My mom, who is a washers freak of nature, never lost. We think that since she "Quitired" she's just been in the back yard practicing for this tournament.
Easter Sunday:
Eli woke up feeling a lot better. I'd say 90%. So we went ahead and went to church. Service was good. The boys stayed in the nursery. When we went to get them, Eli was back to feeling bad again. By the time we go to my Maw Maw's house, he was inconsolable. I felt really bad for him. He fell asleep on the couch. Nate played outside with the rest of the cousins in a big refridgerater box.
The Easter Eggs were hidden. We woke Eli up to see if he wanted to go outside and find eggs, he decided he absolutely wanted to. I was glad he didnt miss out again. All of the kids did very well finding eggs. Brady did a great job picking up the eggs, but his aim in his basket - not so good!
My sister brought "money" eggs. I believe there were 14 of them. My father, who has never been known to really care about much, was one of the hiders. He not so thoughtfully hid all of the money eggs down one fence line all in a row. Well, that just happened to be the route that Nate took. He found 11 of the 14 eggs. Nate poops's ridiculous.
It was an awesome weekend....but a late night getting back home to be back at work Monday morning.